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VerLuce Product Registration

Verify product ownership and get access to exclusive offers.


Benefits of Registration

  • Registration validates your ownership in case you need to return a product

  • It will be easier for you to report an issue or request a repair

  • You will have access to special offers and new product notifications

  • We will be able to send you any product recalls or notices

  • It opens a hassle-free line of communication with us

Questions You May Have

Is registration registration required for my product warranty?
No. All VerLuce products are sold under a full warranty. Registration may give you options for an extended warranty or add-ons.

What happens if I don’t register my product?
Nothing. You use and enjoy your VerLuce product. But, if you need support or want additional set-up assistance, registration makes for a smoother process.

Will you sell my information or bombard me with marketing emails?
No. We won't sell your data.  We would like to be able to send you product-related communications, but you can opt out of those if you like.